On Friday night Matt graduated from Covenant Theological Seminary (this really happened in December, but we went back so he could walk). It was a great time and I was so proud of my husband. It was fun to feel like it was official. The service was at a local church in the area (to fit everyone's family). The ceremony was wonderful, the speaker, Allistair Begg was amazing and I was one proud wife when my husband walked across that stage.
The handsome graduate!
Matt walking in...
Me and my girls waiting for the ceremony to begin.
Matt during the ceremony. He sat with the other Master's of Divinity Graduates!
At Covenant when you walk on stage, two of the professors from your grad. program place a hood over your shoulders. This symbolizes your degree and each part of the hood symbolizes something too (the outside indicates theological studies; the color is that of traditional Scottish clergy; and the size depends on your degree, in Matt's case Master's of Divinity.)
Matt receiving his diploma from the president of the seminary, Dr. Bryan Chapell.
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