Weight: 22.10 pounds (97%)
Length: 27 inches (90%)
When Molly's pediatrician saw her she says, "Is that my little pork chop?!" She just loves all of Molly's chub because she knows she is a breast fed baby! :) Molly got an A+ from the doctor.
All about Molly, 6 months:
-can sit up
-can say Bow-Wow and Mama!
-LOVES peaches- real peaches
-would rather eat real food than baby food
-has her two bottom teeth
-can wave (sort of)
-can clap
-loves when you sing to her
-is easily scared (loud noises)
I wanted to post these pictures so you all can see how big Molly really is...
Look at those thighs...
...look at that belly...
...look at that adorable, happy baby! :)