Wednesday, February 27, 2008

And he is off...

To another Chick-fil-a Grand Opening.

Matt and two of his friends from the seminary left today after class (at 12:15) to travel to Joplin, MO to another opening of a new Chick-fil-a. They had the car packed up with warm clothes, sleeping bags, extra socks and blankets. Joplin, MO is about 4 hours south from St. Louis which makes it about 10 degrees warmer but it will still be in the 30's tonight. Those boys will do anything for FREE CHICK-FIL-A!

The guys called to the opening today and at about noon there were only 10-15 people there. I hope after a four hour drive the boys come away with their 52 free value meals.

Matt said before he left, "Well, I am going to be the hunter and gatherer today."

I will let you know how his journey turns out...


Dan Barber said...

Dan it! Wish I would have known...that would be a great way to save some moo-lah (pun intended).

Dan Barber said...

Hah! Supposed to be "Dang it"