Sunday, May 29, 2011

Happy 7th Anniversary!

Today Matt and I are 7! WOW!
Happy Anniversary honey, I love you 7x7x7x7x7.....

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Cousins & Buddies!

I love these pictures...these three have so much fun together!

The girls are adorable in their matching swim suits!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Happy 3rd Birthday, Andrew James!

I had tears in my eyes when I left Andrew's room tonight because he said to me, "Thank you for my party, thank you for my presents, thank you for cupcakes, and thank you for my zoo trip. I love you, Mommy."

What a sweet boy I have. Those of you who don't know him, I wish you did! Yes, he gives me my run for my money. I know my mom laughs a lot because I am getting what I deserve when raising him (it is definitely payback from when she raised me). But despite his strong-willed personality he truly is the sweetest boy I know.

He loves his family...all of you! He talks about you constantly- even if you think he has forgotten about you, he will say something out of the blue that he remembers about you and it always shocks Matt & me. He also tells me almost every day how much he loves Molly. Oh and we pray for our cousins almost every night. And if we forget he says, don't forget to pray for my cousins! :)

He loves to fish, play outside, ride his bike, chase lizards & play in the dirt. We have a small porch and he spends a lot of time out there pretending to build buildings and fix things (just like Papa)!

He loves sports. Golfing (in our back yard), kicking his new soccer ball around, using the vacuums pole as a baseball bat, and watching his "favorite" show on TV- basketball (like Daddy)!

Andrew is just starting to remember words to songs, his favorite is Jesus Loves Me! He also likes Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, This Little Light of Mine, My God is so Big & 10 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed! He will pretty much sing them on command and when Molly starts to cry, he always sings her Jesus Loves Me!

I could go on and on about this special boy of mine. As I reflect on him and the past 3 years we have had with him I am just so thankful. I praise the Lord, I have a son. I thank Him for his sweet personality, his great imagination and his little sense of humor. Just like I said in my last post, I am honored to be his mom!

He has gone from this... this...

Happy 3rd Birthday Andrew! We love you

Oh and he got his 1st haircut to follow!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Mother's Day...

I had the best Mother's Day! I am so thankful to be a mommy! I can not imagine my life with out my two beautiful babies! I did not get breakfast in bed (that does not happen when you are the wife of a pastor), I did not have anyone take care of me Sunday morning, but I was so fortunate to take care of the two blessings that make me a Mom! Matt left me beautiful flowers, a gift and some pictures colored by my children. Later that day we had a nice lunch (at Tijuana Flats- one of my favorite Mexican restaurants) and then a fun dinner at my Mom's where the husbands served us!

Overall it was a fantastic Mother's Day...but as it ended, what didn't matter is that I did not get breakfast in bed, it didn't matter if I got a gift or not, it didn't matter if I had to change 4 poopy diapers, none of that mattered. What mattered was that I have two beautiful children, who teach me things every day, who make me laugh, who make me cry, but who love me more than I deserve!

I love my sweet Andrew and my happy Molly. I love being a Mom!

I tried to get a picture of me and my children, so I set up my camera and ran into the picture. Here is the first one... is the second...

...pretty funny!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Oh the cute things he says...

Andrew makes us laugh all the time by the cute things he says...

"Mommy, I am going to text Aunt Liza and see if baby Kevin wants to come over and play!"

Andrew: "Mommy, what is that smell? It smells like poop"
(Andrew goes up to smell Molly's diaper)
Andrew: "Yep, its Molly"

Andrew: "Mommy, can you sing me the song about the frog & the door?"
Me: "I don't know that song, Andrew. How does it go?"
Andrew singing: "Once there was a frog and a door........."

We were at my mom's house and her dog (Zoe) had recently gotten a hair cut.
Andrew: "Nene what is that thing around Zoe's neck?"
Nene (my mom): "It's called a bandana"
Andrew: "No, it's a bib."

Andrew: "Mama, I am going to get married."
Me: "Oh yea, who are you going to marry?"
Andrew: You!

Molly, 9 months

I can not belive Molly is 9 months old already (actually she is almost 10 months). I love thinking that she has been out of the womb just as long as she was in the womb. I have said it 100 times, but Molly is the happiest baby ever!

Molly's Stats:
Weight 24.7 pounds, 97%
Length 29 inches, 90 %
Head is 90%
The Dr. said, "Well Molly is definitely big, but at least she is proportionate." :)

Check out all Molly can do now:
-Waves hello & bye-bye
-Says Uh-Oh
-Says Mama & Dada & Papa
-Finally crawling and pulling herself up on her knees
-Does 'so big'!
-Signs all done & eat
-claps & dances
-loves watching her big brother play
-Eats three meals a day and nurses 3 times a day
-takes 2 naps (am & pm) and sleeps 11 hrs at night
-She is very friendly & waves to everyone
-Molly's favorite songs are Snuggle Up Together & If You're Happy & You Know It.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

What's been going on around here...

I am behind on blogging (as usual). Here are some pics of the past couple months...I will let the pics tell the story...

Happy St. Patrick Day (only 2 moths later)!

Molly & Andrew were both sick a couple of weeks ago. First Molly got it, then Andrew. It was a 72 hour fever & then they were better. Look at how pitiful Molly looked.

We had to lower Molly's crib because she has started pulling up on her knees. She has not stood up completely but it is not far off from when she does.

Andrew and his cousin, Kevin Jr. I love this picture! :)

We have been swiming a lot. All three of them are ready for the pool...well except for Molly (look how Matt put her bathing suit on)! It cracked me up!

Matt (and Andrew) shaving before work. Like father, like son!

Mother's Day pics coming soon!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Same Dress..

As I mentioned in my post below, Molly wore the same dress that my older sister (Miranda) wore on her 1st Easter too! I love that my mom kept some of our clothes so our girls can wear them now! Oh and the adorable Easter Bunny is my Aunt Darlene. Love this photo. Oh and my mom is pregnant with me here too!

Aunt Darlene, my Mom & Miranda (Easter 1981)

Molly Joy (Easter 2011), same dress as above!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Easter 2011

The Loveall's had a very busy, fun Easter weekend. We started the weekend with our 1st Annual Oak River Egg Hunt on Saturday, and it was AWESOME! We had over 200 kids show up, the Chickfila cow, games, the firefighters & trucks, and the famous Easter bunny!

On Sunday I got the kids ready for church, took their pictures and headed to church. We had over 70 people attend our Easter service (pretty darn good for a new church) and Matt preached a great sermon. We spend the evening at my mom's house where the kids got to go on another egg hunt and spend the night swimming & enjoying their cousins & family!

Even though it was a busy weekend, we made sure we did not forget the real reason of Easter and we did our best to teach our son about the resurrection of Christ!

My two beautiful babes!

Molly Joy (my older sister, Miranda wore this same dress on her 1st Easter 31 years ago!)

Andrew James

Love it!

The Loveall Family